Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sleep He Wont Go To Sleep!

Okay I'm going insane!! I can not get Hunter to stay in his bed!!! I've been doing the super nanny thing and it kinda works, like the first night it took 3 hours the second night 1 1/2 hours the next night 45 min. but it is an absoulute fight every night to put him to bed, when is it supposed to be okay Hunter love you good night kisses hugs lights out and he goes to bed?  When?  Oh ya sometimes he goes to bed the first time, but thats only if he is so tired that he physically can not keep his eye's open!  But even if he does go to bed he tries to get in bed with me at 4 in the morning and countinues to try until I fall asleep and he sneaks in with out waking me!! This morning we fought from 6 am till 8 am when I finally got up to get ready for church with him coming in and us putting him back!! When will it end I don't know what to do any more I need HELP!!