Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Out of the Mouth of Hunter

Lately Hunter has had some very insightful words to express to Rob and I and I wanted to write them down before I forget about them:
The other night Hunter came and got in bed with me around 4 a.m. when Rob came home from work he was in our bed with me again but I didn't notice him getting back into our bed.

Me: Hunter how did you sleep last night

Hunter: In my bed

Me: Did you get in bed with Mom this morning?

Hunter: I was very quiet!

Another night Hunter climbed in bed with Rob and I, Rob got up early to go do chores at his Grandpa's house and Hunter woke up before he go back home.

Hunter: Mommy where's my Daddy?
            Mommy My Daddy is lost!
When Rob got home I told him what Hunter said

Hunter: Daddy's not lost he's right here! No He's not lost Mommy!

Rob called from work around 8 and asked if we could bring him something to eat, I was just leaving my Mom's so I told him yes.  We got in the Van and then this conversation took place.

Hunter: Mom are we going home?

Me: No Hunter, we are going to go to Daddy's work.

Hunter: No we can't go its dangerous we'll get straped.

Me: We will be okay

Hunter: No its dark we will get straped.

Me: We'll get straped?

Hunter:  Ya like this!

Me: Like what?

Hunter: Like this.. We'll get straped we cant go lets go home.

Me:  We'll stay in the Van it will be ok.

Hunter: Are we going Home?

Me: No were going to Dad's work

Hunter: No Mommy we can't its dangerous.

Needless to say he fell asleep and stayed asleep until morning when he snuck into my bed being very quiet! 

Hunter: Mommy where's Chloe?  Oh there she is she is cute!! Isn't she Cute!

           "Mommy Chloe wants down! Put her Down she wants Down!"

           "AHHH Chloe's awake, Mommy Chloe's awake"
           "SHHHH Chloe be quiet"

           "SHHHHHHH She's sleeping"

Oh there's many more I'm going to have to start writing them down cause he's become such a talker!! I love talking to him!!!