Wow life just keeps getting faster and faster! Ryan and Katelyn just received their Endowments on Saturday. It was Wonderful, and as an extra bonus we were invited to participate in some Sealings after the session. I Love the Temple! I don't go as often as I should, (I'm not sure Why? Whenever I do go I crave for more) but Rob and I are going to try to go at least once a month! I don't think thats too much to ask, just one day a month devoted in serving! The Temple is such a wonderful place to go, especially when life gets in the way of what is really important! I mean with every thing going on between work, school, kids, bills, cleaning, yard work, and finding time to spend working on your relationship, cooking, laundry, callings.... The list could go on forever, but when you go to The House of The Lord the whole world stops! Nothing else matters for that time, its Peaceful, Quiet, your mind is clear and you know that your Loved ones are near. Rob and I were just talking about how wonderful it is to have your Temple Recommend Interview, We just had to have ours in order to be there for Ryan and Katelyn and I couldn't help but think what a wonderful experience it is to go over the questions for your recommend. Every two years you get to evaluate where you are at on your journey, are you on the right path? Do you need to change anything? Can you answer Yes I Am Worthy To Enter The Temple!? I Loved being able to meet with Brother Christansen and President Nelson and answer those question and be found worthy to enter the Lords House! To know that I am heading in the right direction, I am just that much closer to being with my Gracie again! Ryan and Katelyn will be Sealed on Friday and what a wonderful way to start on this next chapter in their lives but to be able to be with one another not "Till Death Do Us Part" But "For Time and All Eternity" I am so proud that they have chosen to Go To The House of The Lord and do it the Right Way! It seems like yesterday when Rob And I were Sealed!
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